Watch, listen, observe, or absorb my personal transmissions on the Human Design system

YouTube Audio

Strategic or Receptive - What's The Difference - Audio - PART 2
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Strategic or Receptive - What's The Difference - Audio - PART 1
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When All Your Channels Are Unconscious - Audio
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Understanding Your Soul - The Passengers Trip - Audio
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Don't Teach Them About Their Design - Audio
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Human Design And Making Money - Part 7 - Root Edition - Audio
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What Is A System - HD For Projectors - Audio
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Human Design And Making Money - Part 6 - Solar Plexus Edition - Audio
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Human Design And Making Money - Part 5 - Ego Edition - Audio
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Third Lining - A Shameless Process - Audio
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Human Design And Making Money - Part 4 - Throat Edition - Audio
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Human Design And Making Money - Part 3 - Ajna Edition - Audio
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Third Lining - Human Design Profile - Audio
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6 Reasons to Use Human Design - Audio
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Business Guidance for Generators and Manifesting Generators - Audio
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95 Questions for Sacral Beings to Respond to - Support for Generators and Manifesting Generators - Audio
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The Only Strategy You Need - Support for all Human Design Aura Types - Audio
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Human Design Authority - Overcoming That Pesky Precursor - Audio
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Anti-Aging Vacation - A Lesson on Human Design Environments - Audio
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What Line Day Is It? A Guide To Transit Energy - Audio
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My Not-Self Said What?? Narratives In Undefined Centers - Audio
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Source Frequency & Why It Hits Differently - Audio
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Seven Years To Decondition What?? - Audio
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Why Saying No Isn't Personal - Understanding Authority - Audio
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Tips For Aura Types - Relationship Edition - Audio
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Business Guidance for The Projector Type - Audio
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Why You Aren't A Successful Projector - Audio
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How To Have A Healthy Splenic Center - Audio
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Introduction to the Coming 2027 Cycle Change - Audio
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The Cross of Planning - When Is It Really Over? - Audio
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Intro to Motivation and Mental Health - Audio
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1781 And The Birth Of Projector Leadership - Audio
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Deconditioning A First Color Determination - Audio
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I Get Personal About My Own Design - Audio
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Experimenting With Determination - Audio
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Individual, Tribal, Collective - Notes on Circuitry - Audio
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Communion for Projectors and Sacral Beings - Audio
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Keynoting the Six - Line, Color, Tone - Audio
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Intro to Environment - Independent Design Variable - Audio
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Raising Your Projector Standards - Audio
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Learning To Discern Pop Human Design - Audio
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The Origin and Value of The Human Design System - Start here if you're new to HD - Audio
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The Key to Regulating Your Not-Self is Embodied Awareness - Audio
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Form Principle - The Body Is The Life - Audio
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Are You Becoming A Powerful Generator? - Audio
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Raising My ManiGen Son Somewhat According To Design - Audio
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Raise Your Hand If You're Addicted To Sacral - Audio
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Human Design Is The Solution To Decision Fatigue - Audio
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Determination And Disregulated Eating - 1st Color - Appetite - Audio
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Money And Being A 3rd Line Profile - Audio
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Human Design And Making Money - Part 2 - Audio
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Human Design And Making Money - Part 1 - Audio
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Determination And Disregulated Eating - 6th Color Light - Audio
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Determination And Disregulated Eating - 2nd Color Taste - Audio
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Human Design and Health Beyond 2027 - Audio
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Determination And Disregulated Eating - 3rd Color Thirst - Audio
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Are You Confusing Authority With Morality - Audio
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Determination + Disregulated Eating - 4th Color Touch - Audio
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Determination + Disregulated Eating - 5th Color Sound - Audio
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Projector Energy - Part 1 - Audio
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