For the Projectors who previously thought they needed a business plan, but have come to understand that what they actually need is a differentiated self development plan.
I’ve been telling my clients for a long time that I don’t believe in using marketing plans to craft our success.
I believe in being recognized as a guide, and as outer authority.
I know that the way to become successful is to follow my Strategy and Authority to live out my life.
I also know there are Four Transformations that can develop my awareness and take me through a journey of de-conditioning.
I trust that the more I differentiate as myself, the more of my unique signature I’ll experience.
I personally, am here for the experience, and the experiment. I’d venture to say that because the last 5 years have become increasingly more successful, I’ve proven what doesn’t work and what actually does (3rd line).
I have proven not only that this system works, but that there are simple, yet versatile ways for each of us to use it to differentiate.
If you’re ready to deepen into your Differentiated Development, keep scrolling to find out how.
lecture, conversation and questions.
taking what you already know, putting it into practice, and getting your success.
You’re not here to learn your signature, you’re here to live it. This isn’t a course for those who are new to Human Design. If you’re not well versed in what your strategy and authority already is as a Projector, I have more basic courses you can start with. I don’t plan to waste time in class explaining what color is, or what the name of a channel is, or what the splenic center does. This is about actively experimenting, observing, shattering, integrating and ultimately re-designing your life in a way that’s conducive to your Projector success.
Most of you who will be drawn to this course will be people who want and need to receive my tribal support while you make big changes based on clarity from your authorities. You might sense a move, a break-up, a launch, etc… in your future and you want my definition to help guide you through that.
Yes! This is the first course where I am only taking people who are in their Saturn Return and beyond.
This course is limited to 10 participants and they must all be Projectors.
Once a week for 10 weeks.
Always, and they will be sent out weekly before the following class.
$1,800.00 USD
Yes, you have the option to make 3 payments of $650.
Only up until the start date. I don’t offer refunds once services are rendered.
Week 1 - Strategy
Can you wait? How patient are you? What are you doing while you’re waiting? Do you have confidence in your system? Who is clogging up your aura? Who is recognizing you in your life? Where has recognition expired in your life? Are you stuck guiding a partner and not clients? What’s been getting you bitter? Do you feel like you’re stuck where you are and need an invitation to get out of something?
Week 2 - Authority
Do you respect what it’s telling you? Are you well versed in how it communicates with you? Who else’s authority are you compromising with? What’s your history of decisions making been like? How are your finances? Who are you negotiating or bargaining with? Do you trust yourself?
Week 3 - Determination/eating
What’s in your fridge? Who is in your house? What food do you eat? Who’s aura do you eat? How do you grocery shop? How do you cook or prepare food? How frequently are you eating? Are you eating in the right conditions? Are you sick? Are you relaxed? How is your life set up to nourish your brain?
Week 4 - Cognition/body awareness
Can you recognize your dominant sense? Do you have lymphatic, endocrine or nervous system awareness? How does this awareness help your passenger? How does this awareness work with your authority? How are you using it in your client work? How is it changing your awareness of your environment?
Week 5 - Environment/home body
Can you grow where you’re planted? Why are you where you are? Do you need to leave? Is your home supporting you? What quality of cognition is present for you? Who else has access to the spaces you frequent? Are you experiencing resistance or ease? Where are you working? Where are you sleeping? Did you strategy get you there?
Week 6 - Perspective/focus
What have you been seeing? What is making sense to you? Who is entering or leaving your life? What has been distracting you? Are you focused, and are you even meant to be?
Week 7 - Motivation/expression
How has your motivation been coloring your life? Would others recognize your true motivation in you? Can you feel when you transfer? Do others see you as an example of outer authority? Do you feel seen for what you actually are? Have you been confused about your own mental health? Do you have a clear mind? Are you fixating when you could be flowing?
Week 8 - sense/mental health
As Ra says - “If you listen to your mind and let it tell you what to do you’ll realize how stupid you really are.”
Are you accessing your true intelligence? Is your mind functioning at the tonal level? Are you working with a strategic sense or a receptive sense? Are you expressing the value and frequency that you have the potential to?
Week 9 - outer authority/recognition
Are you actually living as the yourself? When others meet you would they recognize you as different from the homogenized majority? Do others look up to you as a verified role model, mentor, advisor or something similar? Are you respected for your words, opinions, perspectives? Does your aura speak for you?
Week 10 - media/being seen
How are you portraying yourself? What do you share that is authentic to who you are? Can others tell if you’re being supportive, empowering, or sharing? Does your profile line shine through in your messaging? Are you creating in flow or are you forcing and meeting resistance? Are you giving your authority away to apps? Is your effort bringing you your signature?
Starting Sunday april 13th
Classes will be at 3:30pm PST and will run for 10 consecutive weeks.
The one-time-payment price is $1,700 USD.
Payment plans are available with 3 installments of $600 USD.
Must be Saturn Return or older to participate.
An intake form that will feel deliciously confronting.
Every question on my intake form is optional, so there is no pressure to share.
I can promise you though, there is more value in being seen.
If you’re not comfortable being open with me yet, at least be honest with yourself about these questions before we begin.
Where do you feel recognized?
Where do you feel bitter?
When were you most successful?
Are you in a romantic relationship?
Do you have kids?
Who lives in your house?
Are you in debt?
Where do you get your money/resources?
Does anyone provide for you?
What is your system?