Tribal Circuitry in Love
This audio has a duration of 22:09
I speak from personal experience, and personal view as someone who is purely tribal circuitry about what Tribal love means.
I touch on these keynotes and topics -
Health and immunity
Family and penta
Bargains and contracts
Emphasis on splenic awareness and emotional awareness
The role of the ego
My experience having a child
My experience with partners with other circuitry
and more :)
This audio has a duration of 22:09
I speak from personal experience, and personal view as someone who is purely tribal circuitry about what Tribal love means.
I touch on these keynotes and topics -
Health and immunity
Family and penta
Bargains and contracts
Emphasis on splenic awareness and emotional awareness
The role of the ego
My experience having a child
My experience with partners with other circuitry
and more :)
This audio has a duration of 22:09
I speak from personal experience, and personal view as someone who is purely tribal circuitry about what Tribal love means.
I touch on these keynotes and topics -
Health and immunity
Family and penta
Bargains and contracts
Emphasis on splenic awareness and emotional awareness
The role of the ego
My experience having a child
My experience with partners with other circuitry
and more :)