10 of 10 - Streams, Awareness, Evolution, Future


A ticket to class 10 of 10

Lastly, we’ll learn about awareness centers, the streams that run through them, how they evolved historically and where we’re heading post 2027.

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A ticket to class 10 of 10

Lastly, we’ll learn about awareness centers, the streams that run through them, how they evolved historically and where we’re heading post 2027.

A ticket to class 10 of 10

Lastly, we’ll learn about awareness centers, the streams that run through them, how they evolved historically and where we’re heading post 2027.

7 of 10 - Keynoting and Synthesis
9 of 10 - Transits, Planets, De-conditioning
10 of 10 - Money
5 of 10 - Motivation
3 of 10 - Environment