I made a post in support of the Sacral Being who has been conditioned by the western concept of manifesting to hustle, push, force, or initiate the reality they believe they desire. I wanted to remind the Generator that their correct mechanics are not only easier, but more satisfying to operate.

The post did so well, I knew it was highlighting the want for deeper conversation around the topic, so I launched a class and asked one of my emotional Generator clients to co-host it with me. You may have heard of her as The Big Invitation client, but from here on out you can call her Jesse.

The class was a total hit! The content was so good, I decided to add it to The Market here for all of you to enjoy <3

You can scroll down, and hop in. You may want to take some notes, or just sit back and absorb it. I have also included my own prep notes plus a little extra for those of you who want mine instead.

Sam Zagar + Jesse Johnson



I’am a Projector, and my type was incarnated into 1781 for a very specific reason - to lead any Generator to their signature who is able to recognize my ability to do so. When we say Projectors are the new guides and leaders, it’s very different from when Manifestors led. They led by force, but Projectors lead by invitation. We wait for consent, we wait for you to ask for it. Our role is to make your energy use more efficient. We are here to help you build the Maia according to your signature.


She is an Emotional Generator, and she is here today because she is my Big Invitation Client who did two rounds of packages with me before asking “how much will it cost to get all of your attention?” And when she asked me that, she said exactly what Ra said a generator would say who was truly inviting guidance. 

Jesse had ideas about what our work together would do, in particular, help her make more money - but I don’t promise anyone more money. I promise them their signature - and it’s been incredible watching Jesse get into her response, and her authority, and watch her make huge changes in how she is living her life. She thought if she made more money, she could afford to have more time to do the things that satisfy her like writing, spending time with her son, spending time with her partner. 

She thought she had to buy her way to satisfaction. Nobody needs to buy their signature. It’s yours by birthright. Knowing how to be yourself is the only way to get there, and being satisfied feels better than having a surplus of money. There are many people who are wealthy who are frustrated, angry or bitter. Money isn’t the secret - you are. Your signature is.

There is nothing more satisfying than being in control of your authority, than having autonomy over your life. This is liberty and freedom. This is a life that belongs to YOU.

I brought Jesse in today to validate everything I am saying in this class. She’s made some scary and vulnerable moves towards becoming her true self and every day she becomes more attractive, more magnetic. She becomes more autonomous. More reclaimed. More powerful. She experiences less resistance, and that’s how we open the portal for everything that satisfies you to find you.


I am going to ask a list of questions - If you want to participate, you will need something you can write on - you can even pull up notes on your phone. You only need to write the answer that comes through. But here’s the kicker - if you are emotional - I want you to follow every answer with  “and this may change tomorrow”

  1. Are you drawn to the Human Design System?

  2. Do you want to learn more about your design?

  3. Do you experience satisfaction at home?

  4. Do you experience frustration at home?

  5. Do you get paid for a job?

  6. Do you get paid enough for your job?

  7. Do you find satisfaction in your job?

  8. Do you want a different job?

  9. Do you have a surplus of energy?

  10. Do you feel like you need more energy?

  11. Do you like where you sleep?

  12. Do you wake up rested?

  13. Do you want to sleep somewhere else?

  14. Are you in a relationship?

  15. Does your relationship satisfy you?

  16. Does your relationship frustrate you?

  17. Do you like your home where you live?

  18. Does your home give you things to respond to?

  19. Do you feel frustrated in your home?

  20. Do you want to live somewhere else?

  21. Do you like questions like this?

  22. Can you feel your response?

  23. Where in your body is the response coming from?

  24. What does your response feel like?


Have you heard the phrase, “No matter where you go, there you are”? This is you taking your microcosm everywhere. No matter where you are, you create the energy around you.

Imagine you walk around in a bubble, for fun we’ll call it your Aura. It’s about double your arm span and it holds your energy frequency. Is this a bubble of satisfaction? Is this a bubble of frustration?

Imagine 70% of the world walking around in these bubbles. Enough bubbles together can make a sea. An ocean of frequency. Is the sea we live in full of satisfaction or frustration? You will always be in your aura bubble, and that bubble can either attract or repel. Do you want to be in it, or do you want to get away from it? Do others want to be in your bubble or do they want to get away from it?

The bubble being the micro, and the many bubbles being the macro, is how you can re-conceptualize building the Maia. We can stack bubbles like blocks, and build a world of energy around us.


Did your birth feel like a disappointment? This audio is going to hurt a little as it validates some of what you may have felt from your parents growing up, but by the end it should feel liberating. 



What does the sacral really say - because it sure as heck isn’t only saying

“fuck ya!” or “hell no!”

Grunting, moaning, nodding, moving forward or backward is the core of the response. Think about sounds that indicate a positive or negative response, such as “uh-huh” or “nuh-uh”.

They say Gate 29 says ‘yes’ with the body does it also say Oui, or Ci?

Some concepts of design are over-simplified and over-popularized for the sake of social media marketing. If we truly believed that the sacral said literal yes and no, it would be an english language system and it’s not - it’s a frequency language system. The sacral is responding with a sound that indicates energetic availability, and that can be done in any language.

A sacral red flag is using many words to explain the yes or no. It doesn’t need an explanation or justification. If you have to explain yourself, you’re likely talking to the wrong person who has a conditioning affect on you. Be mindful of your undefined centers chipping in their two cents when it doesn’t belong.


Your not self will try to ruin everything - it wants you to be like everyone else - it wants you to believe you need to be the whole chart instead of dropping into your definition and differentiation.

Your not self can show up in a variety of ways, but your undefined centers are going to take a lot of responsibility for this. Because you are a Generator or Manifesting Generator (or what I term Sacral Being) you have a defined Sacral center. Many of you will also have a defined Solar Plexus (emotional center) or a defined Throat center (Manifesting Generators) but the other 6 centers are going to show up a lot as undefined (white) in a chart and this is where a lot of the trouble can occur. These are the areas where you are here to be educated in this lifetime and a huge brunt of that educational work is deconditioning the not self out of them.

The Undefined Head Center - can sabotage your authority by having you question details that don’t really matter. It can feel like asking a lot of questions, but never really coming up with the answer. It can trick you into thinking its inspiring or thought provoking, but really, it’s just mental pressure telling you that you’re not smart enough to make the decision you’re about to.

The Undefined Ajna Center - can sabotage your authority by making you feel like you need to be absolutely certain about what you know or why you’re doing something. It can feel a lot like strong opinions trying to talk you out of your gut feelings.

The Undefined Identity Center - can sabotage your authority by telling you that you need to go find something to call home other than yourself. You may feel like who you are isn’t enough or isn’t right, and that another person or place is the way to make yourself feel loved and accepted.

The Undefined Splenic Center - can sabotage your authority by giving you the sense that it isn’t safe to make decisions as yourself. It can whisper that you will be unhealthy or at risk if you take responsibility for your process.

The Undefined Root Center - can sabotage your authority by telling you that you don’t have time to wait. This is an immense pressure center that lies to you that you’ll never get it all done, or won’t accomplish what you set out to before the opportunity expires.


You must educate yourself on who you are or you won’t be able to defend your uniqueness. You will be easy to trick, seduce and manipulate as long as you are ignorant to the truth of your mechanics. Seduce your mind by feeding it information about what you are, and then when you know enough, use that knowledge to tell your mind you do in fact know better than to listen to its false authority.


We ended on this one. It was time to remind everyone in class of their power - the power of response.

(these questions have been slightly altered to suit this page and are not verbatim the questions that were asked in class)
  1. Did you learn what you came to learn?

  2. Did you have a response to what you experienced in class?

  3. Do you feel your sacral response now more than you did when class started?

  4. Do you want to come back to learn more?

  5. Are you more aware now of who you are?

Thankyou for virtually participating with us <3