All of you will share the system of Human Design with someone.

This page isn’t dedicated to helping you make money as a reader, although that can be an enjoyable byproduct of learning some of this information.

It’s not steps for wealth, it’s support for transmitting the system. One day, if not already, you will transmit this system to someone else. This page is designed to provide you with information that I think is supportive to a fellow transmitter.

  • 53 minute video offering support for anyone wishing to share this system with someone else.

  • 29 minute video on why I think this is an essential part of Human Design foundational knowledge.

  • 61 minute video on why I think it’s harder than you want to admit.


Strategic or Receptive?

Some people believe that you need to be at a certain point in your process to learn about this topic, and to that I say, that’s likely some strategic rubbish.

Knowing this sets up the entire framework for how we exchange information. For me, there is S+A, but there is also S or R, and that is equally as important.

A primary difference between the two is this - strategic people need to know all the steps. Receptive people need a point of reference. This can be explained with an example:

I have two people I want to teach something. The strategic one I will ask to participate with me. The receptive person I will ask if they want to observe me teach the strategic one. Strategic people need to actively repeat steps to commit things to memory, where as receptive people only need to not be distracted from their awareness as they observe and naturally retain.


When I think of strategy and authority, I think of being invited to a meal and deciding if I want to eat it and like the taste. It implies the food is already in existence. But the fertile ground and solar rays that grew the food? Those were accessed in the strategic or receptive mind. This metaphor really comes together when I anchor it into the awareness that the personality mind variable comes from the Sun (solar rays) and Earth (fertile ground) gates. But the tool you have to work it, that’s the mind. So what kind of mind do you have? A left facing, strategic one or a right facing, receptive one.


but while we’re on the topic of


It takes 2 seconds to say those words. So little time, I don't think their significance really has time to sink in. I spend an hour telling you what it means to me.