Innocence Island

Innocence - 6th Color Motivation 

Dependant Personality Variable, Found in the Sun and Earth Gates below the Line

Keynotes - Aloof, Detached, On the Roof, Upper Trigram, Transitional, Transpersonal, Observed to Observer, Shores

Supportive additional language - Rolemodel, Blameless, Personal, Reference point for leadership, No personal Gain, Changed by the world

Transference/Distraction - Distorted Desire - Wanting to be the leader, Power, Personal Gain, Change the world.

If you want to dive deeper into where color comes from, you can watch the short video below

Both Innocence and Desire are about leadership, but how they find themselves in those positions is very different. Desire wants to be the leader, and makes an effort to be seen as the leader someone else may desire. Innocence is a reference point for leadership. It’s not that it wants to be the leader, it’s that it can’t avoid being looked up to as one. 




Desiring Nothing.

Takes one, big, exasperated breathe in, and releases in a drawn out, non-sacral sputter.

Can’t I just say cue bitterness how annoying it is to be told, in the comment section, from some rando bystander, that I am in my “transference” because I WANT something. Some people are so literal, so basic, so (frankly) uneducated, that they take the word desire to the extent that they think that someone with innocence motivation can’t desire anything, ever, period.

Rolls eyes and smirks mouth on pointe for a taste cognition projector.

What I can’t Desire, is to be your leader. What I can’t Desire, is a specific outcome for you. I don’t want to be your leader, because that would make me responsible for you. I don’t want to be responsible for you. I don’t want to have to have any blame in the outcome of your decision. I want to be innocent in this. Don’t involve me. I can’t be bothered with your journey. I have my own. My journey is changing me. Let your journey change you.

 What this Narrative might sound like from an innocent place -

If you have a Receptive/Right Mind

“Alone on my rooftop, I am fully immersed in whatever my thing is. From this detached place I can really observe from a distance what’s happening with everyone around me. Occasionally someone rings my buzzer and asks if I can tell them the path from A to B with the least resistance. They trust that from up here I can see the best route. I cannot be invested in the outcome of their journey, I simply tell them the paths available. I answer the questions they ask with no plan or agenda of my own. When the business is complete, I go back to minding my own.”

If you have a Strategic/Left Mind

“Alone on my coastline, I am fully immersed in whatever my thing is. From this detached place I can really observe from a distance what’s happening with everyone around me. Occasionally someone shows up and asks if I can tell them the path from A to B with the least resistance. They trust that I have seen and experienced the best routes. I cannot be invested in the outcome of their journey, I simply tell them the paths available based on what I’ve travelled myself and the steps I know to be available to them. I answer the question they ask with practical ways the information can be used. When my strategies are no longer required, I go back to making plans for myself.”

It’s a transitional thing.

The 1/4, 4/1, 2/5, 5/2, 3/6 and 6/3 profiles are all Innocent.

They are meant to assist a transition, and many people like the symbol of a bridge. Now imagine this, Innocence isn’t guiding you across the bridge, it IS the bridge. It isn’t leading you. You lead yourself across it. It gains no advantage from having you on either side. It simply exists so that you can have what you require to cross safely.

While Desire says “Follow me!” Innocence is miles ahead on their own, becoming the path and empowering others to follow if they want to.

Innocent Island : A Concept

rewrite to describe my dream life alone/detached/aloof/above/innocent/eden

  1. Clothes! All kinds! I would walk my island in big fancy dresses and bare feet.

  2. The most comfortable, fluffiest, probably white, bed I can imagine.

  3. Coffee! And every sip would taste like the first sip.

  4. Music! And no one asking me to change my classical flow for one 2 minute preteen dance song.

  5. Maven - but I wouldn’t be his responsible mom - We’d be equals.

  6. Makeup! I want to play dress up with myself. Mostly yummy scented lip chap and a bomb-ass lip color.

  7. Furniture in a big house that I can move around and constantly restyle depending on my mood and activities. If I could move the walls too….HEAVEN

  8. A fast car! Also an off-road something I can jump, really any vehicles I can third line with. (I can hear my own laughter that’s how fun this sounds/feels to me. I would be absolutely hysterically giddy if I could do this)

  9. While this is verging on fantasy - I want to be able to pick ripe food from the land or gardens. Especially fruit.

  10. Something that helps me creatively express myself such as canvas, Minecraft, a worksheet, pottery studio. A place where I can experiment with form and color.

At this point something I want to acknowledge is that I didn’t put Human Design on the list yet. I asked myself “Why?” and here’s what came through -

“It’s never been about studying Human Design. It’s always been about living it. When I get to the point of fully living it, I won’t study books, I’ll observe my life. I’ve always wanted to just live my life. Human Design is how I explain what I’m doing to everyone else around me. But it’s never been about the actual information for me. It’s only ever been about how I can use that information to justify how I live my life.”

The Innocent Limitation

Mind your own business and be seen as a self involved arse, or involve yourself in someones else’s business through transference and be blamed for the outcome.

Well, shite.

Innocence is something that really bothers the homogenized world. It’s similar to the Generator choosing to prioritize their sacral yes at the risk of seeming selfish, or the Individual bypassing interference and staying true to their nature at the risk of being ostracized from the collective or tribal heard. Innocence gives off a vibe that says “I can’t be bothered with you. I’m busy doing my own thing. Leave me alone. I don’t want to get involved. Don’t try to drag me down there into your mess. I’m perfectly content where I am.”

It’s a bit of a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-dont situation in that if Innocence is correct, it’s not trying to lead anyone (again, its not about NOT leading, it’s about not TRYING to lead). It’s not trying to get involved. That can be projected onto as being “uncaring”. Innocence motivation can watch a family member struggle with a drug addiction and never get involved. It can watch someone return to an abusive relationship and not get involved. It can watch someone cheat or lie and not get involved. It can watch you get suckered into a scam because you didn’t honor your authority - and not get involved. Innocence can see where you are going to trip and watch you fall on your face and say nothing, and that is the thing that really peaves some homogenized people off. “Why didn’t you get involved” they will ask, “why didn’t you help me?” and yet it wasn’t help they wanted. They wanted to be enabled. They wanted someone else to hold some responsibility for the outcome. They wanted to share the blame, but true Innocence is blameless. True innocence says “this is your path to walk” because if it doesn’t say that….

Insecure Innocence allows the homogenized world to distract it into transference. When it gets pulled into Desire, it wants to be the leader. It gets involved, and it enables not-self behaviour because that’s the path it took to get involved, the not-self. Desire. Desire cannot watch a family member struggle with addiction without trying to lead them out of it. It can’t watch someone return to an abusive relationship without trying to lead them out of it. It’s going to want to navigate you away from where you might trip and hurt yourself. It will volunteer to say “follow my steps, they’ll lead you to where I think you should go.” but if your true motivation is Innocence, and you’re coming from this place of Desire, you’re setting yourself up for blame as opposed to thanks. Whatever leadership you try to bring, when it doesn’t turn out the way this persons not-self mind thought it should, you will be sharing the blame, or maybe even carrying all of it.

Dolce Far Niente.

Italian for - “the sweetness of doing nothing.”

This Italian phrase has been described as “untranslatable” which is a funny way of saying, “we’re pretty sure the rest of the world doesn’t get it” and it’s such a comparable concept for Innocence that I wanted to, well, compare them for you.

While the Italians are referencing taking a moment to pause, absorb, reflect, be still, observe, etc, they are really acknowledging that sometimes, the best thing to do is nothing. There is a grace in this seemingly slower, and intentional existence. There is a comfort in allowing things to unfold around you in their own time and processes.

Innocence is designed to live the sweet life of doing nothing, but only when it comes to getting involved in someone elses life. It’s that lack of self-insertion that ultimately builds the strongest trust with the other. When the other recognizes that Innocence has nothing to personally gain from the outcome, it can recognize that it’s not motivated by personal gain. It’s motivated to return to being un-interfered with.

Innocence always wants to return to Dolce Far Niente.

The oberved becoming the observer

the watched becoming the watcher

the asleep becoming the awake

and all the while being aware of

and observing that process.

Innocence asks - Can you observe yourself being observed?

Innocence means relinquishing your desire to change the world, and instead allowing the world to change you.