If you are a Manifestor, your true self will want peace, and your not-self will experience anger. You can feel at peace when you are able to initiate without resistance or rejection.

If you are a Projector, your true self theme will be success, and your not-self theme will be bitterness. You can feel success when you are recognized and compensated for your ability to guide someone else’s energy.

If you are a Sacral Being, your true self theme will be satisfaction, and your not-self theme will be frustration. You can experience satisfaction when your sacral energy is well used.

If you are a Reflector, or Lunar Being, your true self theme will be surprise, and your not-self theme will be disappointment. You can feel surprised when you allow yourself to be receive in your own time frequency.

For Projectors

For Manifestors

For Generators + Manigens



It means you have the ability to generate life, to create life, to be life force energy. It means you are the builder of the Maia. To do and to make, is to be alive. But building doesn’t necessarily mean construction - it doesn’t necessarily mean physical labour as we might assume when we say “The Generator is here to work”. It has a lot more to do with creating, building, and sustaining a world of satisfaction. It means not contributing to the building of a world full of frustration. 

Generating in a mechanical sense means responding to what has been asked, either with energy to commit, or no energy to commit. We often simplify this to mean “I had a response” or “I didn’t have a response” which is a bit over simplified. There isn’t really “no response” there is “I had a NO for my response” as in my body said “I don’t have energy to commit to this.”

There is a nuance here for the emotional Generator. Their sacral can respond with a yes or a no, but it’s not necessarily the final answer. It’s simply the answer in the moment. The emotional Generator must ride out their solar plexus wave, continuously gathering data, in order to reach clarity. A great rule of thumb is to put a 24-72 hour window on your decision making process and say “Ask me again tomorrow” or “Ask me again in a few days”. The hardest part about this is not being spontaneous. Emotional authority is never meant to be spontaneous. What emotional definition thinks is spontaneity is actually FOMO (fear of missing out) coming through your open centres. 


Have you heard the phrase, “No matter where you go, there you are”? This is you taking your microcosm everywhere. No matter where you are, you create the energy around you.

Imagine you walk around in a bubble, for fun we’ll call it your Aura. It’s about double your arm span and it holds your energy frequency. Is this a bubble of satisfaction? Is this a bubble of frustration?

Imagine 70% of the world walking around in these bubbles. Enough bubbles together can make a sea. An ocean of frequency. Is the sea we live in full of satisfaction or frustration? You will always be in your aura bubble, and that bubble can either attract or repel. Do you want to be in it, or do you want to get away from it? Do others want to be in your bubble or do they want to get away from it?

The bubble being the micro, and the many bubbles being the macro, is how you can re-conceptualize building the Maia. We can stack bubbles like blocks, and build a world of energy around us.


What does the sacral really say - because it sure as heck isn’t only saying

“fuck ya!” or “hell no!”

Grunting, moaning, nodding, moving forward or backward is the core of the response. Think about sounds that indicate a positive or negative response, such as “uh-huh” or “nuh-uh”.

They say Gate 29 says ‘yes’ with the body does it also say Oui, or Ci?

Some concepts of design are over-simplified and over-popularized for the sake of social media marketing. If we truly believed that the sacral said literal yes and no, it would be an english language system and it’s not - it’s a frequency language system. The sacral is responding with a sound that indicates energetic availability, and that can be done in any language.

A sacral red flag is using many words to explain the yes or no. It doesn’t need an explanation or justification. If you have to explain yourself, you’re likely talking to the wrong person who has a conditioning affect on you. Be mindful of your undefined centers chipping in their two cents when it doesn’t belong.