Whether you are a 3rd line, in relationship with a 3rd line, or raising a 3rd line - this page is designed to support you through a variety of trials and perhaps even save you some errors.
  • As a member of the lower trigram, you’re here to have a more self involved experience. Let’s learn to trip over our own feet with grace.

  • My heart already hurts for you. Perhaps I can provide you with some awareness that your partner(s) has thus far failed to.

  • By supporting them young, we can make it easier for them to navigate a trial and error upbringing, and to maintain close personal relationships with less destruction.

Are you a conscious third line profile or an unconscious third line profile? Because yes, they actually feel different! If the three comes first it is conscious. That means when someone talks about it, you want to raise your hand and say “Oh that’s me!” because it mentally resonates. Those are the 3/5 and 3/6 profiles. If the three comes second, then it is unconscious. That means when someone talks about it you shyly wonder if you should raise your hand while thinking “I’m pretty sure that’s me…” Those are the 1/3 and 6/3 profiles.

3/5 + 3/6 = a third line personality

1/3 + 6/3 = a third line design

 Are you a left angle incarnation cross, or are you a right angle incarnation cross with your profile lines? If the smaller number is first, you are a right angle. If the smaller number is second, you are a left angle cross.

1/3, 3/5, 3/6 = RAX (right angle cross) which is personal (self focused)

6/3 = LAX (left angle cross) which is trans-personal (other focused)

 Why is this important? The incarnation cross is a formula, comprised of four gates in sequential order -

1) Your Personality Sun

2) Your Personality Earth

3) Your Design Sun

4) Your Design Earth

They are designed to tell a narrative that sounds like your life purpose. It’s that huge, overarching thematic element to your life. That answer to the question “why am I here?”. So when you read your profile numbers, it’s more than just a fraction. It’s more than just a number. You’re not just a third line. You’re a conscious one, or an unconcscious one. You’re a third line designed to live for your own purpose, or you’re a third line designed to live with a purpose for the other. But wait, there’s more -

 What about the gates that hold the line?

Whether it is your design or personality that holds the third line, it will be in both your sun and earth. What gates do those belong to?

Use my design as an example

I am a 3/6 profile with the Cross of Consciousness, made up of gates 5.3, 35.3, 64.6, 63.6. My third line belongs to my personality, and therefore I consciously connect to it. I’m very aware of it. It’s also in gates 5 and 35. Gate 5 is in the Sacral center, and it’s about patience, ritual, patterns and waiting. My Sacral center is undefined. Gate 35 is in the Throat center, and it’s about expressing your feelings. My Throat Center is also undefined. Why does it matter to me if the center is defined or not? I want to know if there is constant life force energy here. I want to know if this is an energy that is “on” all the time, or is it turned on for certain reasons? In my case, my incarnation cross is only activated through transits and relationships with the other.

This is how I sum it up - My third line personality is something that can sneak up on me. While it feels something like a background operating system, it gets louder and more obvious when I plug into certain people or transits. Being located in my undefined Sacral and Solar Plexus, it means my work and emotional life are going to be something I have to trial and error in order to master.

What’s great about being a 3rd Line Profile?

  • Resiliency

    You’re the only profile designed to bruise your knee without breaking your leg, or bruise your ego without breaking your spirit. Go ahead and test your limits!

  • Bravery

    It takes guts to try something new, especially when you know you’re highly unlikely to succeed the first or even second time.

  • Material

    The most materialistic of all the profile lines. We are meant to build, break and rebuild the Maia - our material world. It’s not about wealth, it’s about form.

What’s hard about being a 3rd Line Profile?

  • Relationships

    We can make our relationships feel insecure or abandoned when we break the bond with them, especially without proper communication. You can learn to break the bond with grace.

  • Self Involvement

    As a part of the lower trigram, it is inherently self involved. This is not incorrect, even if others dislike it. It is correct but it is still a limitation that can be easier to handle with awareness.

  • Failure

    While some experiments are designed to show us what can’t work, the real failure for a third line is giving up. It’s called trial and error. not trial and quit. You can always try again until your authority says “No”.

Taking a break without breaking the bond.

You’re going to get quite used to hearing the words break and bond throughout this page. They are two words that leave a hefty impression and without context can feel heavier than they need to.

Break - To test, to come/take apart, to find the flaw, to experiment, to discover, to stretch, or to take space.

Bond - The attachment, the item, the relationship, the connection, or the product.

When we mix and match these phrases it starts to sound like;

“to test the attachment”, “to take apart the product”, “to experiment with the relationship”, or “to take space from the connection”.

Can you see how breaking the bond is really about coming away from something that isn’t working, so that you can come back together the way you’re meant to?

Let’s see some examples of how we test the third line outside of relationships

  • Body Bravery

    You know the third line is the one looking at a jump with no first line foundation of physics, and no natural gift of athleticism. This is the kid who throws down out of no where and prays to something while flying through the air - “Please don’t hurt too bad when I land!”

  • Build it Better

    Do you think Elon Musk thought the space exploration programs, the vehicles, or even the internet out there were good enough? Nope! He was determined to experiment and do better. He was open to moving entire experimental industries from failure to success. There are many industries where innovation is the key to survival, and boredom is the surefire way to becoming obsolete.

  • Experimental Recipes

    Taking inspiration from our 3rd color diet type - Hot and Cold Thirst Determination - we know the importance of alchemy and chemistry for the three. It’s about mixing simple things to make complex things. It’s about bringing things together to create something new. The young adult who leaves the home to go cook in a commercial kitchen. The child who mixes potions out of plants instead of grazing on single strawberries. The bartender who think a glass of wine is boring, so they learn to light cocktails on fire. Sometimes out with the old is the only way forward.

  • Happy Accidents

    Have you ever walked through a field only to get these little nuisances called burrs stuck to your clothes, hair, shoes, dog, you name it? Did you know this is the origin of velcro? What started as a major annoyance became a product with major value.

    personal story - I bought a piece of makeup I had saved up for, but when I got home it was the wrong color. This isn’t uncommon for me, so I went back to return it and grab the right one but it was out of stock. I grabbed a random one and asked the sales person to open it and show me. To my delight, it was a discontinued shade that was better than the original one I wanted. Talk about a score!

A moment of silence for our partners.

Good lord we are hard to be in relationship with.

But here’s the thing - it’s not a given, it’s not automatic, and it doesn’t have to be that way.

Being in a relationship with a third line profile is no big deal, as long as that third line isn’t scared shi*less of telling you they need to break the bond.

Being in a relationship with a third line profile is no big deal, as long as you don’t both assume that a break means that things are broken.

Being in a relationship with a third line profile is no big deal, as long there is awareness on where it’s failing.


Just because a third line needs to take some space, doesn’t mean anyone has failed anything. Needing a minute to process information is something that happens to a wide variety of people.

Are you a good partner for a 3rd line?

Ouch, rough question.

I have heard many stories from 3rd lines who express that their partners are needy, controlling, and/or co-dependant.

It’s one thing to be upset, confused or disappointed when your third line partner takes some space, but are you the reason they feel like they’re suffocating?

If you know your partner needs breathing room, but you either deny them, shame them or grab too tightly onto them, you are only adding fuel to the fire of your own situation. The third lines natural need for space isn’t the problem, your ability to cope with it might be.